Resonance Universe Theory
All human knowledge of the natural world can be summarized by a handful of fundamental principles or laws. The second law of thermodynamics is one of these select few. Its importance to our understanding of the natural world cannot be overstated. Both the first and second laws of thermodynamics are empirical facts. Neither requires statement in mechanical terms nor justification as to why they should be. They are the expression of countless observations, which have always found them valid. However, scientists have sought to cast these laws in the more familiar terms of mechanics. It has been believed that Boltzmann's H-theorem provides the mechanical basis for the second law of thermodynamics. "Resonance Universe Theory: A Theory of Time" shows this interpretation to be too far reaching. By reformulating the H-theorem to model a system's trajectory through a series of nonequilibrium states and then attending to the universe as a whole by developing a wave mechanics cosmology, author Dr. Steven Grisafi asserts that the second law of thermodynamics is a consequence of the expansion of the observable universe. This cosmology yields a measure for entropic time that then replaces both absolute time and space-time.