Hot Zone Forensics
This book provides a detailed description of the evidence-collection protocols that will be required in criminal cases that involve the release of a chemical agent, biological agent, or radiological material. A chapter on the crime scene profiles procedures for what to do first upon arriving at the scene, procedures for entering the "hot zone, " and procedures upon leaving the "hot zone." Another chapter focuses on procedures for locating evidence sample points. Information is provided on general detection instruments, chemical agent detectors, biological agent detection equipment, and equipment for detecting radiological material. A chapter on chemical evidence collection contains descriptions and discussions of equipment preparation, chemical liquids, chemical vapors and aerosols, chemical agent solid sampling, chemical surface sampling, and chemical dermal sampling. This chapter advises that the purpose in collecting evidence in a hazardous chemical incident is to collect a representative sample of the material in question and determine the physical and chemical characteristics of the evidence. This can only be achieved through a well-planned and well-executed collection protocol. The chapter on biological evidence collection considers equipment preparation; biological liquids and aerosols; and biological agent solid, surface, and dermal sampling. The chapter on radiological evidence collection identifies the sources of radiological material; the characteristics of radiological evidence; and procedures for radiological liquid, airborne, solids, surface, and dermal evidence collection. Extensive photographic illustrations, tables, 32 notes, a glossary, subject index, and appended supplementary information on hazardous materials