Secret Science Behind Movie Stunts & Special Effects
Shot, set on fire, tossed from buildings, and thrown off mountains, Steve Wolf coordinates stunts and special effect for Hollywood action movies. He's worked with dozens of stars. Much of his work looks dangerous, but in this student text, he explains how he uses basic science to make his stunts as safe as they are exciting. Loaded with fascinating facts, safety tips, informative diagrams, and amazing photographs of actual movie stunts and effects, this book makes science thrilling. Softcover. The 24-page Teacher's Resource Guide ties the text to the science standards with curriculum-based activities. Each of the 18 reproducible activity pages give students the tools and strategies to explore and understand the concepts presented in each section of the book. FEATURES: Student Book is 192-pages, Teacher's Resource Guide is 24-pages, 18 reproducible activity pages give students the tools and strategies to explore the text, Amazing color photography of live action stunts on actual movie sets, Extensive glossary of important science concepts, Appendix, index, and periodic table of elements to further explore science. SAMPLE CONTENTS: Atmospherics, Chemical Reactions, Compressing Gasses, Einstein's Rule of Simplicity, Pressure & Force, Simple Machines, States of Matter. COMPLETE SET INCLUDES: 20 Books (20 each of 1 title) View more information about Steve Wolf and his incredible secret movie science by visiting our website at