Twelve Liars in the Bible
We have all encountered liars, and perhaps even been "burned" by one or two, but, other than "thou shalt not bear false witness" (Ex. 20:16), what does the Bible have to say about lying? Starting with the first lie that Satan told Eve in the Garden of Eden to the last lie told in the Bible by Ananias and Sapphira that resulted in their deaths, Twelve Liars in the Bible (and the Lives They Ruined) by author Steve Saunders, brings biblical liars and the destruction they brought upon themselves and the persons about whom they lied to the forefront for readers. While the biblical stories inside are well known by many, (included are the lies illustrated in the stories of Sarah and Abraham, Jacob and Esau, Samson and Delilah, and more), the author's focus on the biblical viewpoint of the lies will give the reader new and unique insight on the harm caused by lying. Practically every day we hear about professional athletes who have lied about doping, politicians who have lied to cover-up misdeeds, or well-known people who have lied about their sexual indiscretions. Let's face it; we too have told lies at some point in our lives. Hopefully, our errant ways were quickly corrected, but the question still remains: what consequences do our lies create? There has never been a more appropriate time than the present for Twelve Liars in the Bible (and the Lives They Ruined). The author's biblical research and personal stories combined with current events will be remembered by readers for the insight they gain. After growing up in Wichita, Kansas, Steve Saunders attended and graduated from what is now the Arlington Baptist University in Arlington, Texas. Arlington is also where he met and married his wife Patty. They have three sons, two of whom are married, and three grandchildren. Steve is retired from pastoring, after planting churches and pastoring in large cities, small towns, and rural areas for more than forty years. Steve's present ministry is writing, recording and publishing gospel music.