Vestibular Disorders
Vestibular Disorders, Third Edition, uses a case-study approach to outline the principles and practice of the care of patients with dizziness and balance disorders. The text reflects the combined perspectives and experience of a neurologist (Dr. Furman) a neurotologic surgeon (Dr. Cass), and a physical therapist (Dr. Whitney). Each case study contains relevant material regarding history, physical examination, laboratory testing, differential diagnosis, and treatment. This material provides a springboard for discussion of either a concept in the field of vestibular disorders or the diagnosis or treatment of a particular disease state. Practical, specific treatment options are discussed throughout the book. The book is written to a wide audience and educational level of readers including Primary Care Physicians, Otolaryngologists, Neurologists, Physical Therapist, and Audiologists. The case-format style of the book lends itself to use in teaching programs involving medical students, residents, physical therapy students, and audiology students, and as a reference text for clinicians at the bedside. Each of the cases from the first and second editions have been updated, the background material has been expanded and eight new cases have been added. Vestibular Disorders, Third Edition, aims to span the gap between existing in-depth tests and the problems that arise whenever a patient presents with dizziness.