Aging and Diversity
In a time of Growing awareness of the diversity among elders, Fried and Mehrotra provide an excitingly fresh perspective that helps us develop a clearer understanding of gerontology and that bridges the gap between students and service providers in the field. Aging and Diversity combines a clear narrative with active learning experiences. The authors invite readers to broaden their works view, enhance culturally relevant skills, understand older adults through a life-course perspective, and view aging from a multi-ethnic perspective. Specific chapters address psychological aging, issues in health and sexuality, caregiving, work and retirement, religion and spirituality, and death and grieving. For ease of use, each chapter includes orienting questions, a narrative that includes and introduction and summary, vignettes, structured orienting questions, a narrative that includes and introduction and summary, vignettes, structured individual and group learning experiences, comprehension tests, quizzes, glossary, and an annotated bibliography of suggested readings. Aging and Diversity offers undergraduates and service providers tools that will enable them to understand diversity and its impact on the lives of older adults in the United States Aging and Diversity will be invaluable to both students and practitioners in the fields of gerontology, psychology and sociology of aging, counseling, adult learning, social work, family studies, and multicultural studies.