Living in the Blessing
Living in the Blessing Many of us get on our knees and pray each night. We ask that God bless us with this, or that. We repent of our sins and ask forgiveness. I still pray each night and from time to time Ill find myself asking for a blessing. I usually find that God has already answered it because He knew what I needed before I did. I askthat God watch over those that are not as fortunate as I am. I know that people prayed for and are praying for me, so I feel that its only right that I pray for others. I was thinking, which can be dangerous, as I was driving my new car. Gods favor must be with me because I was able tobuy itwithout a down payment, or giving a pint of blood, orlosing an arm or a leg. I realized that I had just received a blessing, or should I say another blessing. I had been asking and praying for a blessing or some kind of sign from God. I had been asking for His favor and until that moment I hadnt realized that I had been LIVING IN THE BLESSING all along. I was alive and alert, I have family that loves and cares for me and not to put Him last, but I had The Lord. My life is good and I am living in a continuous blessing. What a blessing it was to find myself in a blessing. Some of you know just what I mean, others will find out soon. God does not forget or forsake His chosen people. We are those chosen people, you and I. Hallelujah this is why I write and praise the Lord the way I do. G. Stephen Hughes