Fundamentals of Respiratory Care
Thoroughly revised by a new author and new contributors, this study guide is the perfect accompaniment to the seventh edition of Scanlan: EGAN'S FUNDAMENTALS OF RESPIRATORY CARE. Explicitly tied to the main text, the STUDY GUIDE maintains a critical-thinking focus while providing a thorough, upbeat review of the main concepts covered in EGAN'S. Each chapter includes a vocabulary review, review of objectives, chapter highlights, case studies, multiple choice and critical thinking questions, and discussion of board exams. Follows the text to reinforce major concepts and ensure optimum learning of respiratory principles. Clearly written and organized to keep students' attention and increase learning. Questions, review and highlights incorporate the three areas tested on the NBRC exam - recall, analysis, and application - to help students identify important information that goes beyond memorization and recall. Activities include: Vocabulary review - matching, fill-in-the-blank exercises, and crossword puzzles. Reviews of chapter objectives check understanding of primary concepts. Chapter highlights review key points from each chapter of EGAN'S FUNDAMENTALS OF RESPIRATORY CARE. Case studies apply the knowledge gained to real-life scenarios. Review questions and NBRC discussion allow practice with questions styled after those on the NBRC exams and learn what to expect on the board exams. Food for thought - critical thinking questions move beyond recall and apply concepts to the world.