Secret Passages of Stevie the Guide
AY CARAMBA! THIS BOOK IS WILD! If you are looking for a boring, "churchy" book on missions, go find something else! This guy is going to take a crowbar to your stained glass notions of who and what a missionary is and where he comes from. It will absolutely rattle the cage and shake up the sleepers on the back row of any church, and even on the street outside. Fasten your seatbelt, batten down the hatches, and find a stick to clench between your teeth. You're in for an amazing real-life ride from an explorer and storyteller who's been around the block, down the back alley and across the ocean...for real. The Lord shaped and prepared Stevie the Guide every step of the way until his mission was revealed. Now he's ready to show you the remarkable and bizarre journey of how it happened, and how You can discover yours.You'll will laugh your guts out, and cry till you slobber. You will be totally encouraged and most of all, SECRET PASSAGES OF STEVIE THE GUIDE will change the way you look at your short life and brief time on earth. These stories will impact you in surprising ways and alter your perspective. You will see yourself on many of the pages and you will be challenged to step out and step into a larger story of your own. Stevie will show you how to make it happen.Stephen W. Dyer is a slow-learning sinner who often plays by his own rules. He was biblically illiterate and rarely went to church until he was 37, and, like Jonah, ran away from the Lord to places most people have never even heard of. Now he's an independently funded, faith-based missionary for the Lord Jesus Christ. How did this happen?!? Who would have thought?!An ordinary guy who spent decades exploring this planet in the oil industry and as a scuba-diving and wildlife guide, Stevie has been swallowed by the sea in the Galapagos, stricken with malaria in the Amazon Jungle, and poisoned by the Chinese. He has paid for a slave in Africa, tangled with monkeys in Indonesia, survived a hurricane in Hawaii, begged for money in Thailand, landed in a South American prison, flown like Superman, become a Zombie, and met a woman who traveled through time. NO REALLY!And through each experience, Stevie heard the nagging questions ever louder: Why am I here? What is my mission? What do You want with me, Lord?Secret Passages is about Stevie, his exotic and outrageous global experiences, and the discovery of his God-given mission. But more than that: SECRET PASSAGES OF STEVIE THE GUIDE is about YOU.Stevie is an adventure guide to the international mission field and a mentor to folks with a heart to serve. He is a captivating public speaker who incorporates his unique blend of world travels, missionary service, and storytelling to encourage and motivate people off the bench and out of neutral. He is forever asking the question, "What's your mission?"A collector of antique navigation tools and weaponry, unique crosses, old photographs, rocks, seashells, pocketknives, unusual boxes, vintage books, keys, maps, and other stuff, Stevie admits to being a hoarder of international junk. His wife, Sheri, will not argue with that. They have two daughters, Ellie and Martha Anne.Dyer Family Missions is located in Houston, Texas.