Weng's Chop Cinema Megazine #12: the Color Edition
[COLOR EDITION - Full-Color Interior!] The Incredible Cinema Megazine returns for another genre- and century-spanning issue! Over 200 pages of articles and reviews of crazy fun films to sate your weird and wild cinematic appetites! No hate-filled rants here--just recommendations from our passionate stable of movie geeks who live to track down all the weird, obscure, forgotten and overlooked gems and tell you all about them! Whether your flavor is horror, action, exploitation, international weirdness or arthouse, there's something in here for you! -- INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Mermaids in the Movies, Hallmarks of Horror: '70s Ballyhoo, Gene Simmons Exploitation Movies, 1972: Night of Fear, Suffer Little Children & Video Nasties Hysteria, Interview with Frank Henenlotter & Mike Diana, Sin City Horror Fest 2018, Ingmar Bergman: Exploitation Trickster, A Fistful of Italian Westerns: The Twilight Years, The Nutty Projector: Jerry Lewis Cinema Chain, Interview with Georgina Spelvin, Two Horror Gems from Giorgio Ferroni, Killer Food in the Movies, Pimping Godfrey Ho, Trashy Turkish Treats, The HBLB Paradox: Walkabout, Horrorant Film Festival 5, Invasion of the Silver AI, Greek VHS Mayhem, Neglected Movies Basement, Tonight on a Very Special Episode Book Preview, Doug Brunell's Sinful Cinema Books, Comic & Graphic Novel Reviews, and tons of crazy movies new & old for you to discover! -- WITH CONTRIBUTIONS FROM: Michelle Alexander, Jim Barker, Daniel Best, Stephen R. Bissette, Brennan Dortch, Thomas Feeney, Lee Gambin, Kris Gilpin, Travis Goheen, Jeff Goodhartz, Brian Harris, John Harrison, Michael Hauss, Niki Konstantinou, Vicki Love, Ralph Mathieu, Megh, Jason Meredith, Christos Mouroukis, Adam Parker-Edmondston, Louis Paul, Mark Reynolds, Richard Glenn Schmidt, Tony Skowronski, Matthew St. Cyr, Tony Strauss, Rob Talbot, and Bennie Woodell. -- GET YOUR COPY NOW AND GET YOUR CHOP ON!!!