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The Sirtfood Diet
The Sirtfood Diet
Have you attempted many diets, but never achieved what you set out to do? Are you desperately looking for a diet that allows you to eat delicious, healthy foods - and lose weight with little effort? If so, keep reading... The Sirtfood Diet has helped numerous people who thought they were doomed to being overweight. In this guide, the most complete on the market, it is explained with scientific authority - yet in a simple way - why our body needs the right food and drink that activate the lean Sirtuin gene, which is responsible for weight loss and cellular rejuvenation. By reading this book, you will learn: - The vital role of sirtuins in our bodies to speed up metabolism. - The Sirtfood pilot study explained in as simple terms as possible - How it is scientifically possible to lose 7 pounds in 7 days by consuming the foods in this guide - The tricks that so many celebrities have kept hidden to lose tens of pounds by eating tasty food - The most exhaustive list of foods that activate the lean gene for healthy and fast weight loss (including a nice glass of red wine and black chocolate). - The differences between Phase 1 and Phase 2 and how best to deal with them - The reason why this diet is better than others - A rich FAQ section that will answer any questions you may have And much more... I have helped thousands of people get their weight form without the infamous "yo-yo" effect, and you will be next! I want you to be motivated and feel determined.
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Skills for Success with Microsoft O
Skills for Success with Microsoft O
For courses in Microsoft(R) Office applications. Designed for a new generation of learners Trusted for over 15 years, Skills for Success with Microsoft Office 365, 2019 Edition, Introductory , teaches students software the way they prefer to learn it -- by seeing and doing, rather than reading blocks of text. Each skill is presented in a highly visual two-page spread with step-by-step instructions so students can easily follow along. Real-world projects build critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaborative skills, while meeting MOS objectives. The 2019 edition includes new Skills 1-10 Instructional Grader projects requiring students to read the book and complete projects in tandem. It also has a wealth of new Mac OS(R) tips and best practices to ensure all students can learn and apply the skills effectively. Also available with MyLab IT By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student. MyLab IT 2019 delivers trusted content and resources through an expansive course materials library, including new easy-to-use Prebuilt Learning Modules that promote student success. Through an authentic learning experience, students become sharp critical thinkers and proficient in Microsoft Office, developing essential skills employers seek. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyLab IT does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab IT, ask your instructor to confirm the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab IT, search for: 0135768918 / 9780135768914 Skills for Success with Office 2019 Introductory, 1/e + MyLab IT w/ Pearson eText, 1/e Package consists of: 013536647X / 9780135366479 Skills for Success with Microsoft Office 2019 Introductory, 1/e 0135366585 / 9780135366585 MyLab IT with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Skills for Success with Office 365, 2019 Edition, 1/e
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Skills for Success with Microsoft Office 2016 Volume 1
Skills for Success with Microsoft Office 2016 Volume 1
Designed for a new generation of learners Skills for Success teaches students the way they prefer to learn software-instead of reading big blocks of text, they'd rather see and do. Using the hallmark visual layout, students complete an entire skill in just two pages. Step-by-step instructions are aligned with full size screens image to guide students as they progress through each new skill. No matter what device they are using-desktop or tablet-or their current skill level, students will learn what they need to get started quickly. Also available with MyITLab MyITLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed for Information Technology (IT) courses, which engages students and improves results. HTML5 Simulation exercises and Live-in-Application Grader projects come with the convenience of auto-grading and instant feedback, helping students learn more quickly and effectively. Digital badges lets students showcase their Microsoft Office or Computer Concepts competencies, keeping them motivated and focused on their future careers. MyITLab builds the critical skills needed for college and career success.
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Skills for Success with Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 Comprehensive
Skills for Success with Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 Comprehensive
Designed for a new generation of learners.
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La Dieta Sirt (Sirtfood Diet Italian Edition)
La Dieta Sirt (Sirtfood Diet Italian Edition)
55% OFF for Bookstores! 55% SCONTO per le Librerie! Finalmente arriva anche in Italia il best-seller di Stephanie Adkins(TM) sulla dieta Sirt. ★★★★★BONUS★★★★★ Se acquisti la versione "Copertina flessibile" riceverai un preziosissimo regalo!!! Sei anche tu alla continua ricerca di una dieta che ti permetta di raggiungere, in modo definitivo, gli obiettivi di perdita di peso che ti sei prefissato? Se sì, continua a leggere... La Dieta Sirt ha aiutato molte persone a raggiungere il loro peso forma in breve tempo, senza sforzi e in modo semplice e naturale. Alla base di questo regime dietetico c'è l'assunzione di alimenti ricchi di sirtuine, proteine che accelerano il metabolismo, portando ad una sana perdita di peso, senza diminuzione della massa muscolare! In questa pluripremiata guida, la più completa sul mercato, tra le altre cose, scoprirai: ✓ Il ruolo fondamentale delle Sirtuine ✓ Come un bel bicchiere di vino rosso può aiutare il processo di dimagrimento ✓ La chiave della longevità ✓ Un confronto tra la Dieta Sirtfood e le diete più famose (Chetogenica, Paleo, DASH, Mediterranea ecc.) ✓ Perché la Dieta Sirt è così popolare tra le celebrità ✓ I falsi miti relativi alla perdita di peso ✓ I segreti psicologici per accelerare il processo di dimagrimento ✓ Tante ricette semplici e gustose dalla prima colazione fino al dessert serale ✓ Il fondamentale piano alimentare dei 21 giorni Se vuoi tornare in forma, devi per forza acquistare questo manuale! E il regalo sarà utilissimo e di gran valore: potrai scrivere una e-mail (in italiano) a Stephanie Adkins e lei ti risponderà (in italiano grazie al suo team di traduttori) su qualsiasi curiosità, dubbi e perplessità sul tuo regime alimentare e sul tuo benessere psico-fisico. P.S. qualsiasi dieta deve essere seguita previa autorizzazione del proprio medico curante, il quale deve essere a conoscenza di eventuali patologie del paziente
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This Journal Belongs to Indi
This Journal Belongs to Indi
Indi, a creative girl with a new stepfamily, takes the blame for her stepsisters' mistake and is swept into a magical adventure when her fairy godmother appears to help her navigate costume-making, family dynamics, and an end-of-year celebration.
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Cinderella Smith
Cast off by her old friends, Cinderella agrees to help a new student deal with the stepsisters she will soon have, and meantime, a former friend tries to prevent Cinderella from dancing the lead in their tap recital.
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