Localisation 2011
The proceedings of Localisation 2011, a satellite conference of the 26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT26), comprise both invited and contributed papers that discuss the latest progress on localisation phenomena. The main topics include quantum transport in disordered systems (Anderson localisation, effects of interactions on localisation, AndersonOCoMott transition, mesoscopics), the superconductorOCoinsulator transition, quantum Hall effects (fractional and integer), topological insulators, graphene, dynamical localisation, heavy fermions (Kondo effect, Kondo lattice, effects of disorder), and many body localisation (spin-glass, Coulomb glass). The volume is also dedicated to Professor Bernard Coqblin, former CNRS Directeur de Recherche and a Honorary Chairman of the AMS-APCTP Conference Localisation 2011, whose contribution to condensed matter theory will always be remembered.