Measurement in Fluid Mechanics
Thoroughly revised and expanded, the new edition of this established textbook equips readers with a robust and practical understanding of experimental fluid mechanics. Enhanced features include improved support for students with emphasis on pedagogical instruction and self-learning, end-of-chapter summaries, 127 examples, 165 problems and refined illustrations, plus new coverage of digital photography, frequency analysis of signals and force measurement. It describes comprehensively classical and modern methods for flow visualisation and measuring flow rate, pressure, velocity, temperature, concentration, forces and wall shear stress, alongside supporting material on system response, measurement uncertainty, signal analysis, data analysis, optics, laboratory apparatus and laboratory practice. Instructor resources include lecture slides, additional problems, laboratory support materials and online solutions. Ideal for senior undergraduate and graduate students studying experimental fluid mechanics, this textbook is also suitable for an introductory measurements laboratory, and is a valuable resource for practising engineers and scientists in experimental fluid mechanics.