Review of Research in Social Studies Education, 1976-1983
In the first of seven chapters of this comprehensive review of research in social studies, William B. Stanley presents an overview of current issues and approaches relevant to research in social education. The second chapter, by Catherine Cornbleth, is a review of critical thinking and cognitive process research. Special attention is given to "myths" that guide current research and practice. In the third chapter, Richard K. Jantz and Kenneth Klawitter review early childhood and elementary education research in social education. In Chapter 4, James S. Leming analyzes the research on a wide range of approaches to socio-moral or values education. In Chapter 5, Jane J. White discusses ethnographic research and the paradoxes and problems it raises for social education. Chapter 6, by William B. Stanley, is a discussion of recent research and development in the foundations of social education. The chapter focuses on the wide variety of rationales developed, critiqued, and refined by mainstream social educators since 1976. In the final chapter, Jack L. Nelson and James P. Shaver discuss the status of and limitations inherent in social education, each author taking a different position regarding the future of research in social education. Throughout the reviews, implications for practice and further investigation are addressed. (LH)