Monsters & Aliens
The first book in a series of autobiographical incidences chronicling the life and voice of an outspoke Black girl. Sonia at age 7 refused to stand and pledge allegiance to the flag because she didn't see "liberty and justice for all."Monsters & Aliens is likened to the Diary of Anne Frank, as they both magnify the voices of children speaking their truth, a truth less jaded by the normalcy of lies?Imagine the voice you wish they heard while growing up. Imagine feeling valued for your race, complexion, features, textures, and socio-economic status. Likewise, imagine being encouraged to use your voice regularly in an effort to stand unwavering for the things that matter to you the most. All of the things my parents, family, and friends said made me beautiful, were the very things used to tear her down.For 7-year old Sonia, her voice was forced to mature sooner than her peers because too often Black children are expected to deal with adult situations as if they instinctively know better and are inherently prepared. "Monsters & Aliens" is a coming-of-age story that speaks to Sonia's journey of seeking to understand the forced tradition and norm of saying the Pledge of Allegiance to a flag. This story illuminates the juxtaposition of being American and Black, without reaping the benefits of "freedom and justice for all."It tells the tale of two Americas, with staunchly different rules and results. The America that has been highly dependent upon ideations of anti-blackness to sustain the white normative we've all become conditioned to accept, is put under the microscope. Sonia Williams-Lewis at age 50 finally gives voice to her 7-year old self, a Black girl from California refusing to say the Pledge of Allegiance and the consequences associated with said decision."Monsters & Aliens" isn't just about Sonia's refusal to say the Pledge of Allegiance, nor is it about the punishment. It is more about courage, asserting agency, adultification, racism, socio-economic inequities, and the layers we wear while trying to make sense of our way through the swampy parts of life's journey.