"Logopandecteision, or an Introduction to the Universal Language . . . was published in quarto in 1653 . . . Urquhart's plan of an universal language is rather indicated than fully developed in the first book of his work, entitled Neaudethaumata, or Wonders of the New Speech; and the reader will scarcely regret that the subject is, in a great measure, abandoned in the remaining books, which are chiefly occupied with domestic details, exhibiting a lively picture of the times, drawn by the pencil of no unskilful limner. The subject of the different books is disclosed by their titles, -Chrestasebeia, or the Impious Dealing of Creditors-Cleronomaporia, or the Intricacy of a Distressed Successor or Apparent Heir-Chryseomystes, or the Covetous Preacher-Neleodicastes, or the Pitiless Judge-and Philoponauxesis, or Furtherance of Industry. These topics are illustrated by a great variety of personal anecdotes and local notices; and the work, which may be truly described as instructive and entertaining, concludes with a [petition] . . . or 'proquiritations' upon the State." -- Sylvester Douglas Sterling, The Works of Sir Thomas Urquhart (1834). p. xx. - 2023 Hardcover Edition.