Workbook for Pilbeam's Mechanical Ventilation - E-Book
Get the most out of Pilbeam's Mechanical Ventilation, 5th Edition, and prepare for the NBRC certification exam! Corresponding to the chapters in J.M. Cairo’s textbook, this workbook helps you focus your study on the most important information. A wide range of exercises includes key terms, crossword puzzles, critical thinking questions, NBRC-style multiple-choice questions, case studies, waveform analysis, ventilation data analysis, and fill-in-the-blank and short-answer activities. Close correlation with Pilbeam's Mechanical Ventilation: Physiological and Clinical Applications, 5th Edition supports learning from the textbook. Critical Thinking questions ask you to solve problems relating to "real-life" scenarios that may be encountered in practice. NBRC-style multiple-choice questions prepare you for the credentialing examination. A wide variety of exercises help you assess your knowledge and practice with any areas of weakness. Added exercises reflect revised material in the textbook.