Food Information, Communication and Education
"Food Information, Communication and Education analyses the role of different media in producing and transforming knowledge about food. 'Eating knowledge', or knowledge about food and food practice, is a central theme of television programmes, cooking masterclasses, school textbooks, mobile apps and other media. In addition to this, a wide variety of actors have taken on the responsibility of informing and educating the public about food, including food producers, advertising agencies, celebrity chefs, school teachers, food bloggers and government institutions. Featuring a range of European case studies from the 17th century to the present, this interdisciplinary collection advances our understanding of the processes of the formulation, mediatisation, circulation and reception of knowledge relating to food within specific social environments and contexts. Topics covered by contributors include: the kinds of knowledge about food which were popularised in the past and which circulate today; the public and private sphere actors who carry out the communication and educational initiatives; and the political and ideological implications of food information, communication and education for the future."--