The New Pulp
PULP IS DEAD... Or so we're told. Those dusty, cheaply printed paperbacks you knew and loved of old have lost their relevance. People don't want fast-paced adventure! They want dreary ten-volume collections of thousand-page tomes recounting the lives of the introspective and self-doubting. And yet a quick glance at the shelves today shows the spirit of action and heroism is alive and well in the modern imagination. Abaddon presents three of their best stories of derring-do, relentless violence and sheer pluck. In Simon Spurrier's The Culled, a special ops soldier murders his way across a post-apocalyptic continent to find the one he loves. In Al Ewing's El Sombra, a maddened poet, left for dead in the desert, returns as a laughing angel of vengeance to destroy the Ultimate Reich. And in Pat Kelleher's Black Hand Gang, a "pal's batallion" of WWI Tommies is plucked from the Somme and dropped in a world of ghastly aliens and sudden death.