Practical Feng Shui
Promote good health and general well-being, improve your sex life and interpersonal relationships, and realize your personal and professional aspirations by arranging and decorating your home. Described by the author as "a Shiatsu massage for your whole being," Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of designing your surroundings in order to channel the positive energies of the universe and promote success in life, health, wealth, and happiness. Begin by studying the basic principles of Feng Shui: the concepts of chi energy, yin and yang, the Five Elements, the Eight Directions, and Nine Ki astrology, and learn to use the tools of the art. Next, examine the structure and shape of your home as well as its setting, and determine how these affect your life favorably or unfavorably. See how to furnish and decorate each room in the house in the best possible way. Guidance is given in choosing colors, fabrics, plants, mirrors, lighting, artwork, and other decorative elements. Arrange the seating in the living room to promote family harmony and sociability. Select table settings that will improve mealtimes. Situate your bed to enhance your communication skills, cure insomnia, or heighten romance. Regardless of how you want to improve your life, using Feng Shui you can get the forces of nature to work with you rather than against you. Ward Lock 160 pages (all in color), 7 3/4 x 10.