Operating Systems (Self Edition 1.1)
Some previous editions of this book were published from Pearson Education (ISBN 9788131730225). This book, designed for those who are taking introductory courses on operating systems, presents both theoretical and practical aspects of modern operating systems. Although the emphasis is on theory, while exposing you (the reader) the subject matter, this book maintains a balance between theory and practice. The theories and technologies that have fueled the evolution of operating systems are primarily geared towards two goals: user convenience in maneuvering computers and efficient utilization of hardware resources. This book also discusses many fundamental concepts that have been formulated over the past several decades and that continue to be used in many modern operating systems. In addition, this book also discusses those technologies that prevail in many modern operating systems such as UNIX, Solaris, Linux, and Windows. While the former two have been used to present many in-text examples, the latter two are dealt with as separate technological case studies. They highlight the various issues in the design and development of operating systems and help you correlate theories to technologies. This book also discusses Android exposing you a modern software platform for embedded devices. This book supersedes ISBN 9788131730225 and its other derivatives, from Pearson Education India. (They have been used as textbooks in many schools worldwide.) You will definitely love this self edition, and you can use this as a textbook in undergraduate-level operating systems courses.