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Advertising: Methods, Research and Practices
Advertising: Methods, Research and Practices
Millions of people are exposed to thousands of brands daily through different means, and we may categorise some as advertisements. William M. O’Barr calls it “conditioning of the consumers.” Advertisements can be analysed from different perspectives. For instance, Philip Nelson, in his study “Advertising as Information,” analyses advertisements based on the capacity of advertisements to direct the information toward the consumers, helping them separate one brand from another. Demetrios Vakratsas and Tim Ambler, in their study “How Advertising Works: What Do We Really Know?” discussed factors like “consumer’s belief and attitudes” and “behavioral effects” leading to purchasing behavior and brand choice. Research and advertising are intertwined, and it helps to explore the horizon of advertising that helps to improve the advertising industry. The book “Advertising: Methods, Research and Practices” offers a collection of concepts and perspectives like brand identity, buying habits, online advertising, digital gaming, political advertising, contemporary Indian advertising, new age advertising, the impact of advertising on food habits and consumption preferences, AI intervention in advertising, unethical advertising practices, chocolate advertising, marketing of toys, Digital marketing and advertising. The chapters also include metaphorical language in advertising, advertising appeals, e-sport marketing, sustainable advertising, celebrity and advertising, subliminal advertising, MSME and advertising, women in advertising, public service advertising, advertisement for positive behavior change, advertisements on menstrual health and hygiene and many more. Collectively, the chapters would help in understanding the different perspectives of advertising as practice as well as the dimensions of research requirements.
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Violent Fraternity
Violent Fraternity
A groundbreaking history of the political ideas that made modern India Violent Fraternity is a major history of the political thought that laid the foundations of modern India. Taking readers from the dawn of the twentieth century to the independence of India and formation of Pakistan in 1947, the book is a testament to the power of ideas to drive historical transformation. Shruti Kapila sheds new light on leading figures such as M. K. Gandhi, Muhammad Iqbal, B. R. Ambedkar, and Vinayak Savarkar, the founder of Hindutva, showing how they were innovative political thinkers as well as influential political actors. She also examines lesser-known figures who contributed to the making of a new canon of political thought, such as B. G. Tilak, considered by Lenin to be the "fountainhead of revolution in Asia," and Sardar Patel, India's first deputy prime minister. Kapila argues that it was in India that modern political languages were remade through a revolution that defied fidelity to any exclusive ideology. The book shows how the foundational questions of politics were addressed in the shadow of imperialism to create both a sovereign India and the world's first avowedly Muslim nation, Pakistan. Fraternity was lost only to be found again in violence as the Indian age signaled the emergence of intimate enmity. A compelling work of scholarship, Violent Fraternity demonstrates why India, with its breathtaking scale and diversity, redefined the nature of political violence for the modern global era.
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Who Will Bell The Cow?
Who Will Bell The Cow?
The word ‘cow’ rocked India after 2014 when news related to the beef ban, mob lynching, violence poured out almost every day. The cow’s status was suddenly elevated and her sacredness surpassed all limits. Self-styled vigilantes called gau rakshaks took the law into their hands creating terror in the country and threatening minorities and marginalised communities. The book “Who Will Bell The Cow?” tells every possible story about the rise of cow politics in recent times. It connects history with the present, making sense of ongoing violence in the name of the cow and beef ban. It uncovers the ‘sacred’ layers around the cow to show the real motive behind the movement. The data compiled from various sources about crimes related to the cow slaughter and beef ban and its socio-economic impact on various industries allied to cows offers more insight for the readers to draw their own conclusions. There is a caution against the movement that might lead to the extinction of the cattle. In the end, it has posed a question for readers if our diverse food culture is at peril under the guise of homogenisation.
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Identity-Conscious Supervision in Student Affairs
Identity-Conscious Supervision in Student Affairs
This guide offers current and future student affairs practitioners a new conceptual framework for identity-conscious and intersectional supervision. Presenting an original and transformative model to address day-to-day challenges, this book gives practitioners a strategic approach to engage in self-work, identity exploration, relationship building, consciousness raising, trust development, and organizational change, ultimately helping them become more adept at supervising people from a range of backgrounds and experiences. Chapters include theoretical underpinnings, practical tips, case studies, and discussion questions to explore strategies in real-life contexts. Identity-Conscious Supervision in Student Affairs is a key tool for student affairs practitioners to effectively change systems of dominance and inequity on their campuses.
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Moving for Marriage
Moving for Marriage
Shortlisted for the 2023 BASAS Book Prize presented by British Association for South Asian Studies Based on ethnographic fieldwork in a village in the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, Moving for Marriage compares the lived experiences of women in "regional" marriages (that conform to caste and community norms within a relatively short distance) with women in "cross-regional" marriages (that traverse caste, linguistic, and state boundaries and entail long-distance migration within India). By demonstrating how geographic distance and regional origins make a difference in these women's experiences, Shruti Chaudhry challenges stereotypes and moral panics about cross-regional brides who are brought from far away. Indeed, Moving for Marriage highlights the ways in which the post-marital experiences of both categories of wives in this study—their work and social relationships, their sexual lives and childbearing decisions, and their ability to access support in everyday contexts and in the event of marital distress—are shaped by factors such as caste, class/poverty, religion, and stage in the life-course. In focusing on this Global South context, Chaudhry makes novel arguments about the development of intimacy within marriages that are inherently unequal and even violent, thereby offering an alternative to Euro-American understandings of intimacy and women's agency.
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Amazon Redshift Cookbook
Amazon Redshift Cookbook
Discover how to build a cloud-based data warehouse at petabyte-scale that is burstable and built to scale for end-to-end analytical solutions Key FeaturesDiscover how to translate familiar data warehousing concepts into Redshift implementationUse impressive Redshift features to optimize development, productionizing, and operations processesFind out how to use advanced features such as concurrency scaling, Redshift Spectrum, and federated queriesBook Description Amazon Redshift is a fully managed, petabyte-scale AWS cloud data warehousing service. It enables you to build new data warehouse workloads on AWS and migrate on-premises traditional data warehousing platforms to Redshift. This book on Amazon Redshift starts by focusing on Redshift architecture, showing you how to perform database administration tasks on Redshift. You'll then learn how to optimize your data warehouse to quickly execute complex analytic queries against very large datasets. Because of the massive amount of data involved in data warehousing, designing your database for analytical processing lets you take full advantage of Redshift's columnar architecture and managed services. As you advance, you'll discover how to deploy fully automated and highly scalable extract, transform, and load (ETL) processes, which help minimize the operational efforts that you have to invest in managing regular ETL pipelines and ensure the timely and accurate refreshing of your data warehouse. Finally, you'll gain a clear understanding of Redshift use cases, data ingestion, data management, security, and scaling so that you can build a scalable data warehouse platform. By the end of this Redshift book, you'll be able to implement a Redshift-based data analytics solution and have understood the best practice solutions to commonly faced problems. What you will learnUse Amazon Redshift to build petabyte-scale data warehouses that are agile at scaleIntegrate your data warehousing solution with a data lake using purpose-built features and services on AWSBuild end-to-end analytical solutions from data sourcing to consumption with the help of useful recipesLeverage Redshift's comprehensive security capabilities to meet the most demanding business requirementsFocus on architectural insights and rationale when using analytical recipesDiscover best practices for working with big data to operate a fully managed solutionWho this book is for This book is for anyone involved in architecting, implementing, and optimizing an Amazon Redshift data warehouse, such as data warehouse developers, data analysts, database administrators, data engineers, and data scientists. Basic knowledge of data warehousing, database systems, and cloud concepts and familiarity with Redshift will be beneficial.
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Atlas of Endoscopic Laryngeal Surgery
Atlas of Endoscopic Laryngeal Surgery
Atlas of Endoscopic Laryngeal Surgery is a valuable resource for physicians providing practical information on microscopic surgery of the larynx. Beginning with an introduction to the basic principles and procedures, the text goes on to discuss benign and malignant lesions of the larynx, neurogenic disorders and laryngeal trauma. Almost 400 images, including previously unpublished intra-operative photographs help guide clinicians through the different conditions and types of surgery.
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The Unheard Voices
The Unheard Voices
"The Unheard Voices" is an anthology which is published by Split Poetry India and compiled by Shruti Sur. It is a collection of poems, short stories, musings, and articles by various writers. This is book of voices, empowering humankind. A book which reminds the readers of a true sense of beauty and life.
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A Manual for Dryland Afforestation and Management
A Manual for Dryland Afforestation and Management
Community-oriented conservation of natural resources and promotion and protection of trees in drylands are examples to deal with climatic adversities. This book provides knowledge on climatic, ecological, social and economic condition of dry areas and lay out approaches and strategies to restore degraded lands. There are 15 chapters and first five deals with physiography of Rajasthan, drylands ecology, problems of land degradation, its economic evaluation and the approaches and strategies of restoration and rehabilitation. Next two chapters describe the problems of sand drift, salinity, water logging and effluent inflicted areas and strategies to control them. Chapters 8-10 deal with seed production, quality planting materials, genetic improvement, propagation and planting techniques. Chapters 11-12 describe methods of rain water harvesting and irrigation, and resources conservation for seed sowing and favouring regeneration and successions. Effective management of pests/diseases in nurseries and plantation, growth and yield prediction equations and models, and people's perception and participation in managing forest resources have been described in last 3 chapters. Purpose of this publication is to strengthen the forest functionaries and readers with wide ranging knowledge on land degradation, desertification and eco-biology of drylands; and methods to restore and rehabilitate degrading forest (lands) to increase forest cover, enhance resilience and people livelihoods and improve environmental conditions. Academician, researchers, forest managers, non-government organizations, extension agents and environmentalists can use it in developing, conserving and managing drylands ecosystems for its long lasting beneficial effects. This book is also useful to policy makers in effective planning of restoring, protecting and conserving dryland's ecological and socioeconomic services.
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Integration and Visualization of Gene Selection and Gene Regulatory Networks for Cancer Genome
Integration and Visualization of Gene Selection and Gene Regulatory Networks for Cancer Genome
Integration and Visualization of Gene Selection and Gene Regulatory Networks for Cancer Genome helps readers identify and select the specific genes causing oncogenes. The book also addresses the validation of the selected genes using various classification techniques and performance metrics, making it a valuable source for cancer researchers, bioinformaticians, and researchers from diverse fields interested in applying systems biology approaches to their studies. - Provides well described techniques for the purpose of gene selection/feature selection for the generation of gene subsets - Presents and analyzes three different types of gene selection algorithms: Support Vector Machine-Bayesian T-Test-Recursive Feature Elimination (SVM-BT-RFE), Canonical Correlation Analysis-Trace Ratio (CCA-TR), and Signal-To-Noise Ratio-Trace Ratio (SNRTR) - Consolidates fundamental knowledge on gene datasets and current techniques on gene regulatory networks into a single resource
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