The Federal Voting Assistance Program and the Road Ahead
In early 2013, the leadership of the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) commissioned the RAND National Defense Research Institute to undertake a collaborative, multiyear work program known as "FVAP and the Road Ahead." The project was established to assist FVAP in aligning its strategy and operations to better serve its mission and stakeholders, and to strengthen FVAP's capacity to set its own course, greet change, and communicate its role in the voting community. The RAND project team worked with FVAP to compare, reconcile, and align what was in the agency's strategy and typical of its operations and what should be, through an evidence-based approach that included logic modeling, stakeholder outreach, and a requirements assessment. This report documents the project and resulting changes within FVAP, which enabled a significant realignment of the agency's strategy and operations. The report concludes with final recommendations and guidance largely proposed to lock in and build on gains.