Diagnose Our Modern Healthcare System!
The author sees through the modern healthcare system with his x-rays enabled eyes and reveals his astonishing discoveries. First, the author empowers readers, in the preface 1, with an innovative thinking tool: the time point view/time line view methodology. This demystified highly simplified approach in viewing controversial issues can be used widely beyond healthcare issue. In preface 2, the author sums up his opinions on current healthcare reform from perspective of diagnosing doctor. Secondly, in chapter 1-4, author conducts a virtue biopsy into our healthcare system and reveals four shocking findings. "Our system is truly a diseased care system instead of healthcare system". "Americans are paying billions for an interest-conflicting finance-sucking giant---a trading middleman, representing administrator (for providers) and a paying gateman (for claims) all in one---a handcuff preventing from fully and freely access to healthcare". "We are farming many our diseases instead of curing them". "Our system is only serving and attracting the most costly bands of cares in the whole healthcare spectrum". Thirdly, in chapter 5-7, author further pinpoints the places where the disease in the system resides and suggests the multiple approaches to cure it. Author also emphasizes the importance of mindset change before changing the healthcare system by comparing two types of diseases solution approaches-conventional modern medicine and traditional natural medicine. Fourthly, in chapter 8, author analyses the two most typical healthcare systems, which reside in the two opposite extreme ends, and proposes a completely new system based on the two. Therefore, the solution proposed is not only for the two extreme situations but also for all situations in between. The all proposed resolutions together may completely change the landscape of current healthcare infrastructure, reshape the mindset of Americans on healthcare, and reverse the high cost low efficacy of current healthcare system.