Walking with My Father
Walking With My Father is the personal account of a young woman that takes you on a missionary quest of incredible faith. Every turn is filled with extraordinary experiences and life-changing encounters. From early youth growing up in a small California town, you will be lead to the precarious streets of South Central Los Angeles, down the dusty roads to remote parts of Mexico, and on to the dense green forest of a rural village in West Africa. You will journey with a woman who left behind all the world has to offer to answer the call of God in her life to go into the world and spread the Good News. This kind of life is predicated on a strong belief in faith, the life force of every devoted Christian believer. You will share some of the astonishing episodes, inspiring stories, remarkable events, and unique activities that helped shape the life of this young woman into a vessel used by God. Our lives are the only meaningful expression of what we believe and in Whom we believe. And the only real wealth, for any of us, lies in our faith. Unknown Source Shirley Brown-Burns, Co-Director of the Voice of Africa Home and Foreign Mission, has been a missionary most of her life, having served not only here in the USA, but in Mexico, Canada, Africa and Belgium. She attended California Baptist University where she majored in Theology and Education. She graduated from California State University Bakersfield and went on to attend the Bay Cities Bible Institute and the VOA Missionary Boot Camp. When not traveling abroad on missions trips, she resides in Shafter, California with her husband, Michael, and faithful dog, Buddy. Together Shirley and Michael have a blended family of nine children and thirteen grandchildren.