Kindness Rocks
Rock star, Jonny Heart, sings to make others happy, so when Fat Cat offers him a rock star bandana, sunglasses, and boots AND the chance to sing all over the world, Jonny can't wait! Now he can make even more animals happy. But as his audiences get bigger, they also get further away, and Jonny misses the fun things he used to do with them. One day, something awful happens, which leads to Fat Cat replacing Jonny. As Jonny's rock star life is snatched away from him, he suddenly feels invisible - unseen and unheard! When his world collides with homeless bear, Busky Soul - Jonny realizes that Busky and his homeless friends must feel invisible too. Busky shows Jonny other ways to spread happiness. Jonny learns that the way to feel good is to do good. He shares, he cares, and he finds that being kind to others not only makes the other animals happy, but also makes him feel happier. So happy, that he begins to hum, and the hum turns into something more! His voice is back, and so is Fat Cat - offering Jonny his rock star bandana, sunglasses, boots, AND rock star life back. Jonny has a difficult choice to make. His new friends mean a lot to him but singing does too... Then he realizes he can have BOTH! Which leads to his kindest act yet, building the 'HEART AND SOUL.'. A shelter providing food, a bed, and kindness, for all. And... he sings again!