Four-Way Stop
If Thank You were the only prayer, as Meister Eckhart has suggested, it would be enough, and Sherry Olson’s poetry, in her second book, Four-Way Stop, would be one. Radical attention, deep love, and dedication to kindness illuminate these poems and the stories she tells us, which are drawn from her own life: with family, with friends, and wherever she travels, with strangers – who to Olson, never are strangers, but kin. Even at the difficult intersections, as in the title poem, Four-Way Stop, Olson experiences – and offers – hope, showing us how, completely unsupervised, people take turns, with kindness waving each other on. Olson writes, knowing that (to quote Czeslaw Milosz)) What surrounds us, here and now, is not guaranteed. To this world, with her poems, Olson brings – and teaches – attention, generosity, compassion, and appreciative joy.