Authentic Reading Assessment
Presenting nine case studies describing new assessment efforts, this book is designed to foster communication and dialogue about the products and the processes of development. Comprehensive introductory and concluding chapters examine the background of and future challenges facing authentic assessment. Intermediate chapters discusses authentic assessment in the classroom, beyond the classroom, and large-scale authentic assessment. Chapters in the book are: (1) "Definitions and Perspectives" (Elfrieda H. Hiebert and others); (2) "Literacy Portfolios: Windows on Potential" (Jane Hansen, with commentary by Robert J. Marzano); (3) "Assessment and Evaluation of Literacy Learning" (Jan Hancock and others, with commentary by John J. Pikulski); (4) "Rhode Island's Literacy Portfolio Assessment Project" (Mary Ann Snider and others, with commentary by Robert C. Calfee); (5) "Portfolio Assessment: Experiences at the Kamehameha Elementary Education Program" (Kathryn H. Au, with commentary by Ileana Seda); (6) "Literacy Portfolios for Teaching, Learning, and Accountability: The Bellevue Literacy Assessment Project" (Sheila W. Valencia and Nancy A. Place, with commentary by Kenneth P. Wolf); (7) "A Multilayered Assessment Package" (Teri Bembridge, with commentary by Marjorie Y. Lipson); (8) "California's New English-Language Arts Assessment" (Barbara Weiss, with commentary by P. David Pearson); (9) "Redesigning Teaching and Learning: The Arizona Student Assessment Program" (Mary W. Garcia and Kathy Verville, with commentary by Charles W. Peters); (10); "The Maryland School Performance Assessment Program: A New View of Assessment" (Barbara A. Kapinus and others, with commentary by Karen K. Wixson); and (11) "Realizing the Possibilities of Authentic Assessment: Current Trends and Future Issues" (Sheila W. Valencia and others). (RS)