The Prophetic Jewels of al-Shaykh Fakhr al-Din al-Razi
This book is a translation of an extract from Jawahir al-Bihar fi Fada'il al-Nabi al-Mukhtar ﷺ by al-Shaykh Yusuf ibn Isma'il al-Nabhani who had compiled in it the Quranic exegesis of 16 sets of Quranic verses on the virtues of the Chosen Prophet ﷺ cited from al-Tafsir al-Kabir by al-Shaykh Fakhr al-Din al-Razi – with foreword by Dr. Iskandar Abdullah, Director of Arabic Language & Cultural Consultancy Service LLP. Al-Tafsir al-Kabir is an extensive 32-volume book of Quranic exegesis. Being both a philosopher and a theologian, much of al-Fakhr al-Razi’s perspectives with regard to the virtues of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ revolve around his Prophethood, including the evidences of his Prophethood, his noble characteristics as a Messenger, the benefits of sending him to mankind as a Messenger, the superiority and eminence of his religion, and the obligation to have faith in him, glorify him, support him and follow him ﷺ. On top of that, this book highlights the evidences that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is better than all the other Prophets, his great moral characters of gentleness, compassion and mercy, and the abundant gifts and abundant goodness granted by Allah ﷻ to him ﷺ. The ease of access to information in this digital age has helped ordinary Muslims be motivated to read translations of the Quran since the glorious Quran is the most primary source of Islamic knowledge alongside the Prophetic Hadiths. Nevertheless, one of the best ways for a Muslim to understand the Quran is in fact by studying the books of Quranic exegesis by the great scholars of the Muslim Ummah. Therefore, this book serves to aid readers in understanding the Quran with regard to the virtues of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ by studying the exegesis of just some of its noble verses through the lens of al-Shaykh Fakhr al-Din al-Razi.