40 Questions About Calvinism
In 40 Questions About Calvinism , church historian Shawn Wright tackles many issues about the theological system known as Calvinism. Taking an irenic approach, Wright explains the key doctrines while also contrasting them with Arminianism. The accessible format allows readers to easily look up topics in which they’re most interested, including: • What is the difference between Calvinism and the Reformed tradition? • Does God love all people? • Did Jesus die for the sins of the whole world? • Can people resist the Holy Spirit? • Do Calvinists practice evangelism and missions? “Here is a book to put into the hands of such inquirers whose understanding of Calvinism may have been formed by those who caricature it. The fact that each chapter is a question helps readers go straight to the issue that is dogging them.” —Conrad Mbewe, Kabwata Baptist Church, Lusaka, Zambia “If you are a non-Calvinist seeking answers about Calvinism, you will find a clear and winsome presentation of the position, as well as a response to some key criticisms. If you are a Calvinist looking for a model of how to talk about these things with non-Calvinists, then you will find a helpful and humble model for explaining the Calvinist position and its points of disagreement with Arminianism, in a fair-minded, evenhanded way.” —Ligon Duncan, Reformed Theological Seminary