Wisdom of the Silver Sisters - Guiding Grace
While you may think the title of this book implies that it is a book about women who have matured (another word for "old") and their hair has turned silver, you would be partially correct. For this book, we define "a Silver Sister" as a woman who, from the age of a toddler to the present time, has amassed many experiences and gained much knowledge. That knowledge creates a Pearl of deep and profound Wisdom. Wisdom of the Silver Sisters, Guiding Grace is a book co-authored by 45 dynamic women, ranging in age from their 30s to their 80s. Their stories are ones of joy, tears, beauty, and tragic experiences that brought them wisdom in various ways. Welcome to our Wisdom of the Silver Sisters, Guiding Grace. This profound book promises to overflow your CUPPA with divine joy, wonder, and awe. Since its inception, our stellar storybook continues to unfold divine magic. The operative word is divine which is indicative of supremely great and good; plus, it is spiritually relevant in perfectly describing our Shero-Writers. Please prepare to BE Inspired, get comfy, have your CUPPA nearby and drink in our storytellers' legends, legacies, and family folklore. May our magical, meaningful, and muse-worthy stories enrich your experiential journey called life. I believe it will inspire you to scribe your personal S/Hero tales. For us, they have gifted a keener clarity, an even greater capaciousness of spirit, and created a divine connection to the sumptuous space between the inner and outer worlds. We send this soul-filled storybook forth as a BE-Jeweled Blessing to effect equanimity, empathy, and to create an effusive Tao of Exquisite Living.