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An Introduction to Medical Dance/Movement Therapy
An Introduction to Medical Dance/Movement Therapy
Presenting dance/movement therapy (DMT) as a viable and valuable psychosocial support service for those with a medical illness, Sharon W. Goodill shows how working creatively with the mind/body connection can encourage and enhance the healing process. This book represents the first attempt to compile, synthesize, and publish the work that has been done over recent years in medical DMT. The emerging application of medical DMT is grounded within the context of established viewpoints and theories, such as arts therapies, health psychology and scientific perspectives. As well as examining its theoretical foundations, the author offers real-life examples of medical DMT working with people of different ages with different medical conditions. This comprehensive book provides a firm foundation for exploration and practice in medical DMT, including recommendations for professional preparation, research and program development. Interviews with dance/movement therapists bring fresh and exciting perspectives to the field and these and the author's testimonies point to the possible future applications of medical DMT. With an increasing number of professional dance/movement therapists working with the medically ill and their families, this is a timely and well-grounded look at an exciting new discipline. It is recommended reading for DMT students and professionals, complementary therapists, and all those with an interest in the healing potential of working innovatively with the mind and body.
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An Introduction to Medical Dance/Movement Therapy
An Introduction to Medical Dance/Movement Therapy
Presenting dance/movement therapy (DMT) as a viable and valuable psychosocial support service for those with a medical illness, Sharon W. Goodill shows how working creatively with the mind/body connection can encourage and enhance the healing process. This book represents the first attempt to compile, synthesize, and publish the work that has been done over recent years in medical DMT. The emerging application of medical DMT is grounded within the context of established viewpoints and theories, such as arts therapies, health psychology and scientific perspectives. As well as examining its theoretical foundations, the author offers real-life examples of medical DMT working with people of different ages with different medical conditions. This comprehensive book provides a firm foundation for exploration and practice in medical DMT, including recommendations for professional preparation, research and program development. Interviews with dance/movement therapists bring fresh and exciting perspectives to the field and these and the author's testimonies point to the possible future applications of medical DMT. With an increasing number of professional dance/movement therapists working with the medically ill and their families, this is a timely and well-grounded look at an exciting new discipline. It is recommended reading for DMT students and professionals, complementary therapists, and all those with an interest in the healing potential of working innovatively with the mind and body.
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Love and Destiny
Love and Destiny
"A divining method that uses a regular deck of playing cards and a birth date to determine personality types and good/bad relationships"--Provided by publisher.
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Trade Secrets
Trade Secrets
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Gender Positive!
Gender Positive!
Identified here are over 200 books with main characters who have in one way or another broken the gender mold. Part One presents picture books that are generally used with primary children. Part Two presents multichapter, non-picture books for older students. The annotation for each book gives a character and plot synopsis identifying the nonstereotyped behavior shown.
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La vida es danza
La vida es danza
El reconocimiento del paradigma "cuerpo-mente" y sus implicaciones para la vida ha sido constante. En las últimas décadas las investigaciones confirman las intuiciones de aquellas bailarinas que a mediados del siglo XX se preguntaron qué era aquello que atraía a personas que no pensaban dedicarse a bailar profesionalmente a sus clases. A partir sobre todo del trabajo de M. Chace y M. Whitehouse, diversos psiquiatras fueron creando oportunidades profesionales para ellas y sus discípulos. Eran conscientes de que, en algunos casos, esta aproximación debía ser parte de un equipo inter y multidisciplinario; y que, en otros, debería ser la modalidad más adecuada, o una entre varias. En La vida es danza se incide en la idea de que no podemos descartar el cuerpo como fuente de información, de curación y como lugar de manifestación de la enfermedad, no sólo física sino también mental. Las posturas y movimientos, el modo de ocupar el espacio nos hablan analógica y simbólicamente de las tensiones, emociones, relaciones e historias de vida de los pacientes. La Danza Movimiento Terapia ha basado sus teorías y conceptos en el conocimiento de que la danza integra todos estos aspectos. En este sentido, el movimiento no se concibe como una actuación escénica; ni tampoco se espera que los pacientes tengan capacidades técnicas especiales para bailar. Desde este ámbito emergente el sujeto humano se concibe como una unidad "cuerpo-mente" y la danza-movimiento como la expresión de esta unidad, a la vez que se reconoce el potencial terapéutico de la acción creativa y artística y del movimiento en particular: el arte se pone al servicio del sujeto y su salud.
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