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Statistical Epidemiology
Statistical Epidemiology
Statistics are a vital skill for epidemiologists and form an essential part of clinical medicine. This textbook introduces students to statistical epidemiology methods in a carefully structured and accessible format with clearly defined learning outcomes and suggested chapter orders that can be tailored to the needs of students at both undergraduate and graduate level from a range of academic backgrounds. The book covers study design, disease measuring, bias, error, analysis and modelling and is illustrated with figures, focus boxes, study questions and examples applicable to everyday clinical problems. Drawing on the authors' extensive teaching experience, the text provides an introduction to core statistical epidemiology that will be a valuable resource for students and lecturers in health and medical sciences and applied statistics, health staff, clinical researchers and data managers.
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The Science of College
The Science of College
"This book aids entering college students - and the people who support college students - in navigating college successfully. In an environment of information overload, where bad advice abounds, this book offers readers practical tips and guidance. The up-to-date recommendations in this book are based upon real students, sound social science research, and the collective experiences of faculty, lecturers, advisors, and student support staff. The central thesis of the book is that the transition to adulthood is a complex process, and college is pivotal to this experience. This book seeks to help young people navigate the college process. The student stories in this book highlight how the challenges that college students can encounter vary in important ways based on demographics and social backgrounds. Despite these varied backgrounds, getting invested in the community is crucial for college success, for all students. Universities have many resources available, but students need to learn when to access which resources and how best to engage with people serving students through different roles and with distinct expertise. There is no single template for student success. Yet, this book highlights common issues that many students face and provides science-based advice for how to navigate college. Each chapter is geared toward college students with a focus on the life stage that many entering college students are in: emerging adulthood. In addition to the student-focused chapters, the book includes an appendix for parents and for academics, along with supplemental website materials of instructional activities related to the content of the book."--
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The Oppidan
The Oppidan
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Music City Melbourne
Music City Melbourne
How did Melbourne earn its place as one of the world's 'music cities'? Beginning with the arrival of rock 'n' roll in the 1950s, this book explores the development of different sectors of Melbourne's popular music ecosystem in parallel with broader population, urban planning and media industry changes in the city. The authors draw on interviews with Melbourne musicians, venue owners and policy-makers, documenting their ambitions and experiences across different periods, with accompanying spotlights on the gendered, multicultural and indigenous contexts of playing and recording in Melbourne. Focusing on pop and rock, this is the first book to provide an extensive historical lens of popular music within an urban cultural economy that in turn investigates the contemporary nature and challenges of urban music activities and policy.
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Single father and true believer Murray Whelan makes his debut in Shane Maloney's first thriller set among the ethnic feuds, union shenanigans and sexual politics of his city's working class heartland. Murray has to deal with everything from a snap-frozen Turk, the tattooed vote, a killer car and blood-sucking parasites. That's when the red-hot Ayisha knocks on his door.
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Statistical Epidemiology
Statistical Epidemiology
Statistics are a vital skill for epidemiologists and form an essential part of clinical medicine. This textbook introduces students to statistical epidemiology methods in a carefully structured and accessible format with clearly defined learning outcomes and suggested chapter orders that can be tailored to the needs of students at both undergraduate and graduate level from a range of academic backgrounds. The book covers study design, disease measuring, bias, error, analysis and modelling and is illustrated with figures, focus boxes, study questions and examples applicable to everyday clinical problems. Drawing on the authors' extensive teaching experience, the text provides an introduction to core statistical epidemiology that will be a valuable resource for students and lecturers in health and medical sciences and applied statistics, health staff, clinical researchers and data managers.
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Sleep Better
Sleep Better
Scientific research into sleep has dramatically increased during the past decade, with greater understanding of the hormonal and brain activity during sleep which has a key influence on your health and wellbeing. This expert, accessible book presents a combination of sleep hygiene, evidence-based techniques, psychological skills, and mindfulness practices to help improve your sleep. It examines common myths and stereotypes which may damage your chances of sleeping well, and gives tips for dealing with your sleep problems effectively. Topics include: How much sleep you really need Sleep quality and quantity Underlying issues, such as stressful life events, depression and anxiety Physical clinical problems, such as snoring, sleep apnea and asthma Perpetuating factors of sleep issues such as habits, perceptions, attributions, beliefs and thoughts Insomnia - wired and tired Psychoeducation to help with sleep problems, with a focus on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy or ACT; CBT-I, along with stimulus control, sleep/bed restriction therapy, worry time, and paradoxical intention Sleep hygiene, such as de-cluttering, eating, regular behaviours, exercise. Behavioural sleep interventions for parents with babies and young children Practical application of mindfulness
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Feel Good
Feel Good
A practical, inspirational guide to managing your moods, improving your outlook, and beating stress and anxiety Feeling overwhelmed, overstressed, or just plain down about life? This book is the cure for what ails you. Mood can affect every aspect of your life, from your performance at work to your personal relationships, and being able to take control of your moods, rather than have them control you, is something all the most successful people have in common. Combining techniques from two powerful, complementary therapeutic approaches–Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Mindfulness–Feel Good is an everyday mood control book that can help you keep your spirits and your confidence high, and instill you with a more upbeat, positive, can-do attitude, come what may. A source of inspiration for world-weary nine-to-fivers and an expert guide to beating stress and anxiety Combines the latest research and proven techniques and practices from two powerful therapeutic approaches: CBT and Mindfulness Packed with practical information on how to start feeling happier and more positive about life, and optimize how you deal with people and situations in life and at work Designed for quick reference it lets you access practical information relevant to the mood you’re in at the moment
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