About the book: Rev.Fr. Gonsalves, of Portuguese origin, lands at a decrepit hamlet called Shivsagar to set up a Church to cater to the spiritual needs of the small number of Catholic Christians who have settled there. He was strong in his Christian convictions and accordingly succeeded in establishing a full-fledged Catholic Church with St.Joseph as its patron. He succeeds in instilling Christian discipline among his handful of Catholic laity and ingraining deep Christian values in them. The moral fibre so strongly woven by the previous priest gradually begins to get loosened, and the second priest’s stature displays a downward slide. This has repercussions on the laity as well, which, by that time, had swelled into a large community. Dr.Naa D’Souza has woven a fine story of three generations of Christians, which, in the end, sees its decadence. Indeed, this Novel is an interesting story spread over three generations that, from the pinnacle of its glory, sinks into its moral quagmire. Readers who peruse through it would surely be taken on a voyage through Christian family life, their struggles and strains, their joys and sorrows, and also their wayward lives and amoral alliances, which are so effectively portrayed.