APA Made Easy | In Accordance with the 6th Edition APA Manual
15 Minutes. That's as long as we think any student should have to spend formatting their papers. Unfortunately, students often spend hours trying to find answers from hard to follow manuals or confusing websites. Whether you want a step-by-step guide to building a title page, suggestions for writing with greater clarity, or freedom from doing internet searches every time you have a question about APA standards, APA Made Easy is the only blueprint that you will need for writing in APA style. This comprehensive writing guide includes illustrated steps for formatting an APA document in: Microsoft Word 2010, Microsoft Word 2011 for Mac, Microsoft Word 2013, and Apple's Pages programs. You will also learn how to build an APA formatted paper from the ground up by understanding: • How to outline information you've already gathered. • How to write an essay or research paper from an outline. • How to write a solid introduction. • How to use the required headings in a research paper including Abstracts, Method, Subjects and Participants, Materials or Apparatus, Results, and Discussion sections. • Building Citations within your paper and on your Reference page. Also included in this guide: • APA examples and high resolution screen shots to help students correctly format documents within 15 minutes. • Over 150 completed Reference examples • Over 60 completed In-Text Citation examples • How to use Headings effectively in your writing • Specific examples that cover how to cite new media such as blog posts, emails, websites, online lectures, computer programs, social media and much more. • A new section on using and citing DOI's (Digital Object Identifiers) for new media. • A Short Sample paper in APA format. • For more information on APA Made Easy and downloadable APA templates visit: YouVersusTheWorld.com.