Developmental Research Methods
Designed to prepare students to plan, implement, report on, and evaluate research on human development, the Fourth Edition of this classic textbook covers current and emerging issues in the field of developmental psychology research. With a focus on the whole human lifespan, Miller presents an overview of the methods needed to successfully conduct developmental research. Comprehensive in his approach, Miller covers traditional as well as new topics in the field, including cross-cultural research, animal research, autobiographical memory, arid peer relations. Indeed, Miller explores every step in the research process, from the initial concept to the final written result, covering the conceptual aspects of experimental design, as well as the procedural skills necessary to translate design into research. Key Features Up-to-date discussions of relevant and emerging issues and topics in developmental psychology, including infant cognition, attachment, theory of mind, child rearing, applied developmental science, and more Student-friendly design and engaging approach Extended coverage of important, contemporary topics with new chapter boxes, additional tables, figures, and photos New and updated pedagogical tools, including 16 new end-of-chapter exercises, chapter-ending summaries, a glossary, citation of further sources, and relevant websites for numerous topics Expanded coverage of qualitative research and applied research-formerly combined in one chapter, each of these topics now has a dedicated chapter Expanded coverage of adolescence issues Book jacket.