The location where the information was first gathered, it is sent across the communication system to a point that is situated some distance distant from both of the locations where it was first gathered. It is difficult to take into consideration all of the many applications for the various sorts of communication systems since there are so many different kinds of applications. A typical system is composed of a number of distinct components, which, when combined, span the whole of the area of electrical engineering. To mention just a few of the relevant subjects of study, this includes but is not limited to the domains of circuits, electronics, electromagnetic, signal processing, micro processing, and communication networks. However, these are only few of the relevant topics. A communication system is an integrated whole that does, in fact, transcend the sum of its components; yet, this behavior would lead to uncertainty in the central argument that a communication system is an integrated whole. The main idea here is that a communication system should be seen as an integrated whole that has an overall effect that is greater than the sum of its parts. The primary research of this argument is that a communication system should be seen as an integrated whole that, in reality, is something that is more than the sum of its parts. It is common knowledge that the communication also takes place via the trading of signals; this fact is not a well-guarded secret. It is possible for information to come from a wide variety of sources, including both people and computers. Additionally, the display of messages may take on a number of various shapes depending on the context in which they are being received. On the other hand, there are not just one but two separate types of message categories: digital and analogue