You Can’T Heal a Wound by Saying It’S Not There
Today, men and women are running around empty, trying to fill a void with addictions to work, busyness, alcohol, drugs, high debt, pornography, serial dead-end relationships, and sex without commitment. My book speaks about the futility of this empty search and helps you find peace and meaning beyond yourself. You Cant Heal a Wound by Saying Its Not There is about recognizing the wounds we all have from growing up that cripple us until we face them and overcome them. Written in a case study format and interspersed with poignant illustrations and memoirs from the authors life, this book helps people identify what they need to do to grow up and become all that God intended so that they can use their life to help someone else be better. I have learned much from people who have taught me over the years in private psychotherapy practice. I have also learned much from people I have served in churches and from our church systems that sometimes leave people marginalized. Thus, I have a passion for and am drawn to those who have been alienated for one reason or another from church and institutionalized religion. With that said, I am currently planting a new church with outreach to people who feel disconnected from God. (