Practical Pediatric Radiology
The new 3rd Edition of this popular reference offers pragmatic, up-to-date guidance on the radiologic diagnosis of pediatric ailments. It's clinically oriented, problem-based approach helps readers to respond appropriately to a given set of symptoms and to employ the safest and most cost-efficient methods available. More than 1000 images, flow charts, and line illustrations facilitate recognition of a wide variety of problems. It also offers helpful guidance on the appropriate psychological approach to pediatric patients. Contains more than 1,000 illustrations that cover a wide range of pediatric problems. Enables you to quickly find differential diagnoses appropriate to specific age groups simply by looking up the presenting problem. Equips you with the guidance you need to employ the most cost-effective and safest methods available in the care of your youngest patients. Helps you to distinguish between accidental injuries and signs of physical abuse. Includes expanded information on neonatology. Features several new chapters including -- Atlas of Anatomy of the Normal Newborn Infant · The Newborn Infant with Respiratory Distress from Medical Causes · The Newborn Infant with Respiratory Distress from Surgical Causes · The Fetus and Neonate with Urinary Tract Abnormalities · and The Newborn Infant with Spinal Abnormalities.