Costly Obsession: Animalize
Deep within a cave in the quaint town of Epson, South Carolina, lays dormant a book that brings Epson’s past alive. Hiking through the woods by the town lake, a group of teenage boys find a cave, and a book. With the book in hand, around a beachside campfire, the boys speak aloud the forbidden ancient Latin words that bring forth the curse of the beast. Now a predator more gruesome, violent, and cunning than ever seen before stalks the residents of their small town. As the mutilated bodies pile up, including the town sheriff’s, terrible rumors start to slither throughout as the town starts to panic. Lunatic, wild dogs, escaped jungle cat, wolf…. The fate of Epson and the lives of its residents all rest upon an untold history. One of jealousy, denial, rage, hatred, and the very curse that is now lurking within their town.