Stress Cure Now
Stress is the at the root of all illnesses- physical as well as psychological. Medications, various escapes and even positive thinking work only as a bandage, while the volcano of stress continues to burn. Sooner or later, it erupts through these paper thin layers of temporary fixes. In "Stress Cure Now," Dr. Sarfraz Zaidi, MD describes a 3-step plan to get rid of stress at its roots, once and for all. This ground breaking approach is based on his personal awakening, deep medical insight and vast clinical experience. Dr. Zaidi uses the sword of logic to pierce through the layers of stress.In easy to understand language, Dr. Zaidi describes:The harmful effects of stress on your bodyHow the Mind-Body connection worksStress appears to be due to external factors, but actually, its true root cause resides inside you. Hence, the solution must also be inside you. You don't need to attend a workshop, learn special techniques or spend a lot of money. In fact, you can be free of all of your stress right Now. What really is the root cause of the Stress of Daily living, Insomnia, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Phobias, Anger, Hate, Depression, Guilt, Loneliness, Selfishness, Ego, Greed, Prejudice, Bias, Lying, Complaining, Embarrassment, Bipolar Affective Disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder, and Addictions including Stress Eating.We all live in a Conceptual world. How you can be free of the Conceptual world and start to live in the Real world.What prevents you from living in the Now? How you can start living in the Now, right now.How to deal with stressful situations without causing any stress for yourself or others.New insight into the evolution of the human mind. Never before has Dr. Zaidi's amazing discovery been revealed. You are ageless. The true "Fountain of Youth" lies inside you. How to tap into this endless source of true Love, Peace and Joy. Discover how the source of all true healing lies inside you.