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Of Memory and the Misplaced
Of Memory and the Misplaced
What can the life writing of post-famine Irish immigrants tell us about Irish diasporic memory? Of Memory and the Misplaced considers the endurance and nature of Irish American memory across the twentieth century. Guided by 30 memoirs written between 1900 and 1970, Sarah O'Brien shows the prevalence of intimate and taboo themes in ordinary immigrants' writing, such as domestic violence, same-sex love, and famine-induced trauma. Importantly, Of Memory and the Misplaced critiques the role of the Irish landscape as a site of memory and shows how the interiority of the domestic world has provided Irish women with the language needed to reclaim their own lives. Combining literary and historical theory, Of Memory and the Misplaced highlights voices that have traditionally been silenced and offers a rare and unexplored collection of primary source autobiographical texts to better understand the experiences of Irish immigrants in the United States.
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Manual of Travel Medicine
Manual of Travel Medicine
The fourth edition of this well received book provides an authoritative and up-to-date resource to support good practice in travel medicine, a field that has evolved substantially in recent years. Concretely, there has been intensified monitoring of health problems among travelers, as well as extensive research efforts, which have led to the development of evidence-based approaches to the field. The book includes expert recommendations regarding e.g. immunizations, malaria prophylaxis, travelers’ diarrhea, altitude sickness, emerging infections, and non-infectious health issues encountered by travelers. It provides a practical approach to the pre-travel consultation and management of most issues that arise in medical care for travelers. In addition, it provides expert advice for high-risk travelers, e.g. those with immunosuppression, the elderly, pregnant women and young children. The text offers a user-friendly, practical handbook for healthcare practitioners during their clinical consultations, as well as nurses and pharmacists.
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Sarah Gillespie
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Heroine, First Female Elite Special Forces Uk
Heroine, First Female Elite Special Forces Uk
AUTHORISED BY SAS/SBS/SIS, WING COMMAND IN TOEHOLDER AUTHORITY, CHIEF VETTER SIR JEREMY HEYWOOD. From British Intelligence files [INT.] held by elite special forces, an account of early years of our own Alison Sarah Cross-Rudkin ~Sammie~ as first female selected for combat UK Special Air Service (SAS), Special Boat Service (SBS) and Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), with commentary from records in Security Service MI5 [home] & SIS MI6 [overseas]; selected aged 6 by Col. Sir David Stirling for training in special operations, this book showcases the period up to her official listing 1970 aged 12 granted by UN under Geneva Convention, zipping on to her trip to Mars as 001 with Wing Commander Simon Prior 002, expert survivalists, reliant ultimately on NASA’s brilliant rocket scientists! An unexpected delight! INT. reveals Tsar/Romanov family escape prior to Russian Revolution, via British military special-Zinger-file-operation, leaving behind an utterly convincing TALL TALE! ALISON JAMES: ‘Grateful for my chance to make the world a better place, here is a taste of what was involved in becoming UK 001 de facto as schoolgirl Hunny Bunny, now General SAS/SBS/Paras.Reg./Fusiliers & Royal Marines, awarded 29 MCs & dozens of medals for bravery, inc. USA Navy Seal Valor Medal. My most favourite results, though, my five children, loved so much!’
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Sarah McEneaney
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Heroine, First Female Elite Special Forces Uk
Heroine, First Female Elite Special Forces Uk
BOOK AUTHORISED BY SAS/SBS/SIS, WING COMMAND AND LORD HEYWOOD, VETTING AUTHORITY UN DECLARING SAM-MIE’S ‘PERFECTION ITSELF’ G.RAF’S AIR CHIEF MARSHAL writes of this book by Alison James as M. still serving ‘We in British army reveal records of special operations 1970 – 1979 to show what was done in passions of war and peace in Ireland, USSR, America, Africa and globally!Yep. Please bear nobly the truths you learn and enjoy knowing those who made noble efforts to overcome differences, especially after ex-IRA bombs reflecting anger at lack of support, particularly by selfserving politicians, following our reconciliatory Peace Pact 1976 made by 001 schoolgirl Alison Sarah Cross-Rudkin aka Sammie selected for SAS/SBS/SIS commando combat ops and only successful infiltrator of IRA’s War Council, they say of her, our Stakeknife, gifted peacemaker. ‘She is 001 BRILLIANTLY, a lone female amongst us wolves with all other women claimants in civil service clothing administrating only’ C. notes of these Dames, as she is awarded 35 MCs (11 distinguished now), ex-SBS himself, Younger. She’s Liverpool’s dancing-queen we hear, now our hippie General across the board of her Regiments.’Signed Sir Michael Wigston, W. really, vetting her my ‘Sammie-Whammie’ since I was a boy in the 1970s where my diary records: ‘See her GO! Emancipation of women writ largest, though she’s a prettier one than Miss World! Watch her, Dad, she’s a rookie hippie!’ PS ‘Strong and beautiful, she’s first female Royal Marine, they say! And Paras. Reg. too, they add, not forgetting first in Fusiliers, SAS & SBS!SIS in both SF units, of course, use yer nouses! She is sentenced to die in America and Russia too, poor Hunny Bunny, will she escape censure for her big risk life the Press choose to ignore? Prime Minister Boris Johnson urges you to read knowing she is his heroine forever and a day for freedom to be ours!’ ‘Keir Starmer loves her,’ Sir Keir adds, shirtily, ‘our ‘Veronica Price’ what a girlie Sammie is!’Signed for his PM and Leader of Opposition, Cabinet Secretary Lord Sedwill, S.
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The Book of Sarah
The Book of Sarah
Originally published by Myriad Editions.
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