Slim Calm Sexy Diet
In this second installment of the Slim Calm Sexy series from Women's Health, nutrition expert Keri Glassman empowers readers to take control of their forks and focus on a revolutionary new way of eating--one that will help them lose weight, conquer stress, and look and feel their best every day. Using cutting-edge research that shows how certain foods work in tandem with the body's natural systems, the author demonstrates how our traditional way of eating promotes fat and stress, and explains the simple tweaks that can turn "fat, frazzled, and frumpy" into "slim, calm, and sexy." Featuring indulgent recipes like Raspberry & Ricotta French Toast and Bison-Stuffed Red Pepper, satisfying Slim Snacks, and supercharged Slim Smoothies, this diet plan isn't about counting calories or deprivation-it's about eating more of the right foods. The Slim Calm Sexy Diet is so effective because it not only tells you what to eat, it tells you when to eat-eliminating the stress that leads to hunger and overeating. The diet also includes a comprehensive fitness plan that combines supercharged cardio, calorie-burning strength training, and energy-boosting yoga (that also tones and lengthens). The result is a sleek, sexy shape, smooth skin, a happier mood, and a more satisfying sex life. Packed with easy-to-prepare recipes, hundreds of helpful tips, and weekly workout plans, this is the ultimate guide to mind/body bliss.