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The States of Child Care
The States of Child Care
As the U.S. economy continues to falter and families face ongoing wage stagnation and widening income inequalities, there is an urgent need for a better, integrated approach to child care. This accessible, up-to-date account of the chronic issues plaguing child care reform offers viable solutions drawn from a model state child care system in the state of North Carolina. Original data from interdisciplinary research illustrates the complex landscape of U.S. child care, as well as the ambiguous relationship society has with the sobering statistic that 64% of women with children under six are employed and in need of reliable, high-quality care of their young children. Book Features: The history and demographics of U.S. child care policy.Analysis of several persistent forces impeding the emergence of a national child care system.Contemporary ideas about motherhood, employment, and providing child care for pay.An extensive review of research on child care and child development.Recommendations focusing on policy integration and workforce development. “In The States of Child Care, Sara Gable gives voice to the perspectives of parents, practitioners, and advocates to help readers deepen their understanding of our past, what needs to change in the present, and what strategies they can use to make progress now.” —From the Foreword by Marcy Whitebook, Director, Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, Berkeley, CA Sara Gable is an associate professor and extension specialist in the Department of Nutrition and Exercise Physiology at the University of Missouri.
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Sara Hughes
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Sara Steele Originals
Sara Steele Originals
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Going Hollywood
Going Hollywood
They led sometimes scandalous, oftentimes tragic, and completely fiery lives in the glitzy world of show business-and their stories shatter all the stereotypes about people from the American Midwest... Going Hollywood: Midwesterners in Movieland is the first book of its kind to chronicle the story behind the story of twelve Hollywood legends: Clark Gable, Carole Lombard, Jean Harlow, Spencer Tracy, Anne Baxter, Jean Seberg, Jane Russell, Dorothy Dandridge, Rock Hudson, Marilyn Maxwell, Jane Wyman and Louella Parsons - all from America's Heartland. Using rare archival sources and first-hand accounts, the book provides an inside look at how being from the Midwest influenced their lives, how they emerged on the Hollywood scene, and what their legacies look like today, years after their deaths.
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Julia Morgan, Architect
Julia Morgan, Architect
Biography of Julia Morgan one of the first women to graduate in civil engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, and the first women to earn a certificate in architecture from Ecole de Beaux-Arts in Paris
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Uncle Hiram in California
Uncle Hiram in California
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The Perfectionists 2. Bones noies
The Perfectionists 2. Bones noies
La segona part de l'«spin-off» de The Pretty Little Liars! La Mackenzie, l'Ava, la Caitlin, la Julie i la Parker no són tan perfectes com sembla: totes han fet alguna cosa dolenta en el passat. Però elles no van matar el Nolan; va ser una coincidència que el noi morís de la manera com ho havien planejat en broma, oi? Però les noies no només van tenir la fantasia d'assassinar el Nolan, i quan una altra persona mor, les amigues sospiten que han estat enganyades. O potser elles seran les properes víctimes de l'assassí?
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