It is a matter of both honour and pleasure for us as editors of this much awaited an edited book on the current topic like ‘Nepotism’. Writing a preface for this book on Nepotism is itself a separate and great experience. Actually, this book is an outcome or the result of great endurance and painstaking efforts taken by all of us. Prof. Dr. Manoj Bhagat has done a sincere job of proofreading and he has taken care of all the technical aspects from the first day of collections of all research papers and articles up to compilation of them properly for this edited book. Of course, Prof. Dr. Sanjay Deosthale stood along with us in the complete process of this book, his guidance proved to be fruitful as an outcome of the final copy of ‘Nepotism’ book. It was really a laborious as well as difficult task to call a research paper or article on such a hot topic which has influenced almost all areas of life and work, but ultimately, we could do it with cooperation and team spirit within us. I must be grateful to Prof. Dr. Manoj Bhagat for suggestion to work on the selected topic i.e. Nepotism and bring it into the form of an edited book. Now, this most debatable topic like Nepotism has attracted the attention of critics and readers towards it. It has not only come up as a separate branch of study in humanities, social science and other correlated subjects also.