Mystery Of Consciousness
Scientists have accepted the Big Bang theory of creation of Universe from about a hundred years. As per this theory the universe was born in the Big Bang that happened 13.7 billion years ago. The universe began with expansion of the Energy squeezed in a single point tinier than atom, making up everything - atoms, molecules, stars, galaxies, and the entire Cosmos. Vedic sages in India had this Knowledge of Creation over thousands of years. Rishis and Sages of ancient India realized the Divine Truth, resolved the mystery of manifestation, developed the path of spirituality and gave this knowledge through the Vedas and Upanishads. Sri Aurobindo, the great Indian yogi, sear and mystic in the 20th century revealed this Truth in Veda and Upanishads. From Mundaka Upanishad, he decoded "Brahman grows by his energy at work, and then from Him Matter is born, and out of Matter life, and mind and truth and the worlds, and in works immortality. He who is the Omniscient, the all-wise, He whose energy is all made of knowledge, from Him is born this, that is Brahman here, this Name and Form and Matter." Sri Aurobindo introduced the path of Integral Yoga for evolution of human Consciousness. He discarded the traditional yoga's aim of "Nirvana" and gave Integral Yoga of 'Transformation' to the world. He declared - Man is a transitional being and Supermind is the next evolution of humanity...Transformation of Mind, Life, Body and Manifestation of divine life on earth as the true aim... And by his intense Sadhana over forty years, the Supramental force descended and established upon earth... making Transformation. Sri Aurobindo's writings go over thousands of pages, compiled in thirty-six volumes, that includes Integral Yoga, Synthesis of yoga, human evolution, Nationality, Education and different aspects of human life. He has written it from his own yogic experiences and many times it directly descended from the higher planes of consciousness. Sri Aurobindo's spiritual collaborator, Mirra Alfassa's (also known as The Mother) work is compiled in seventeen volumes which includes Question & Answers, Reflections, Essays, Prayers and Meditation etc. About the Book The Integral yoga texts and the knowledge in it is vast like an ocean, making it difficult for reader to understand, get benefited by the knowledge in it and practice for the spiritual progress. Explorations In Integral Yoga series intends to summarize and analyze key concepts of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on various aspects and instruments of integral yoga, in a simplified way and also with a different Perspective to make easy understanding for the scientific minds. Mystery of Consciousness attempts to decode the hard problem of Consciousness by exploring writings in Integral Yoga and explains the secret of Creation of the Universe. It analyses Chakras and different planes of Consciousness to find their role in manifestation. Ascent of Consciousness, the second book in Explorations series, is planned to provide the way forward in realizing the Divine Life on Earth. It is the journey in Integral Yoga which will explore - Metaphysical System of Integral Yoga, Psychic Being, Yoga of Transformation, Sunlit Path, Yoga of Cellular Transformation and secret of Descents of Consciousness on Earth. About the Author Sanjay has Masters in Electronics engineering from BITS, Pilani and MBA from Nagpur University. His professional experience over thirty years includes Research and Development in Hardware and Software using Embedded, RF, IoT, AI, Quantum and Cloud computing. As a seeker of Truth, he probed in different yoga practices, spiritual scriptures and found the ultimate truth in Sri Aurobindo's writings in Integral yoga explaining mystery and secrets of manifestation.