Studi sulla pittura e sulla scultura del '600-'700 a Firenze
The volume, a fascinating journey into the art of 17th and 18th Centuries, reveals important works and focuses on some well known artists as well as others which have not been studied yet. The first essay, which starts from the paintings by brothers Cesare e Vincenzo Dandini, offers an overview on Florentine painters in the first half of the 17th Century, like Lorenzo Lippi, Giovanni Martinelli, Francesco Furini, Carlo Dolci, Cecco Bravo, Simone Pignoni, Livio Mehus, Giovan Camillo Sagrestani and his school, Giovan Domenico Ferretti. The second text, much based on an iconological analysis referred to alchemic philosophy, is focused on a mirror painting by Stefano Bella, a masterpiece of brillant quality and endowed by cryptic symbolic meanings. The book ends with a digression on sculpture in Florence between late Baroque and Neoclassicism, centered on artists like Giuseppe Piamontini, Giovacchino Fortini, Antonio Montauti and Francesco Carradori.