Gospel Hymns and Social Religion
Today's businessman stretches his lunch hour with a third martini or a fast game of handball. His nineteenth-century counterpart might well have stretched his to take in a religious revival. Across America, especially in 1857-58 and 1875-77, two men, Ira D. Sankey and Dwight L. Moody, were holding immensely popular meetings that would lay the foundation for the tradition of hymnody and revivalism that extends through Billy Sunday to Billy Graham. They added major new developments to an already existing revival tradition; mass meetings in large auditoriums, careful organization of local "Christian workers," and a completely interdenominational approach. But the most remarkable feature of the Moody/Sankey act was Sankey himself: he sang the gospel. He also had his own book of songs to sell. Sankey's Gospel Hymns was by far the most successful of American hymnals and deserves some special attention, some attempt to account for its impact. Why did gospel hymns have such appeal? In this unique study, Sandra Sizer addresses that question by discussing the emergence of Moody-Sandy revivalism and popular religion in the white urban North. One cannot account for the popularity of revivalism by generalizations about industrialization or urbanization. This book offers a new perspective by looking at the rhetoric of the hymns themselves. It also examines what sorts of events and developments in American society made hymn-singing and revivals so attractive to so many people. The author's method is a sociology of religious language, which employs the insights and methods of several disciplines, especially anthropology and literary criticism, emphasizing cultural phenomena as linguistic phenomena intimately related to particular social settings. The approach is historical, but not chronological. The task the author has set herself is an interpreta-tion of the kind of hymn found in Gospel Hymns, illuminating in the process the way in which the hymns, and the revivals, helped to create a "social religion," a community based in likeness of feeling. The community was sacred and promoted moral behavior; people gave up alcohol, were honest and gentle, in accord with the feminine ideal on which the communal feeling was based. The hymns became vehicles for articulating a widespread community defined purely in terms of feeling: they became symbols of unity against later "evils" such as Communists, Catholics, and homosexuals. The analysis in this book allows for a critical perspective on the ideas and forms of revivalism which have shaped much of American culture and rhetoric--the idea of the individual's inner states as the key to his character, the "social" as a realm which creates uniformity through bonds of emotion, the segregation of home and woman from the real world, and the potential political uses of apolitical rhetoric. This book, in short, goes far beyond the discussion of gospel hymns; it raises issues which go to the heart of white, protestant, urban America and suggests that the assumptions lodged there demand argument, not acceptance [Publisher description]