Lato sconosciuto della Sammlung Goetz
The aesthetic fundamentals of sixties Minimal Art continue to define the art of today. This volume shows the ways that various generations of artists deal with Minimalist ideas within the framework of contemporary creative methods. Besides the artists who persist in advancing the Minimalist discourse of the sixties, the book also features young artists who freely and playfully carry on the approaches used by their predecessors, varying them and translating them into their own, new forms of expression. The cornucopia of selected media and a few debuts of several works from the Goetz Collection - from works on paper, paintings, photographs, and sculptures to wall and light installations - demonstrate the currency of the approach. Co-conceived by the artist Gerwald Rockenschaub, this volume is also exemplary of the Minimalist style. 0Exhibition: Neues Museum, Nuremberg, Germany (19.7.-20.10.2013) / Museion, Bozen, Italy (23.11.2013-5.10.2014) / Sammlung Goetz, Munich, Germany (2015/2016).