Mandela: Echoes of Apartheid and Impunity
Mandela: Echoes of Apartheid And Impunity is a compilation of 26 humanistic and passion-sustained poems on the Late Dr Nelson Mandela, the defunct Apartheid Regime in South Africa and global human rights struggles. The poems written over a period of 31 years by a Nigerian poet and physician, capture in a compelling chronological sequence, the origin, course, hurts of Apartheid and local and global efforts orchestrated to overcome it. It further portrays the author's vision from the perspectives of man's inhumanity to man, impunity and unnecessary power display by man, white or black, and celebration of such rare virtues as courage, discipline, doggedness and the spirit of forgiveness found in the likes of Mandela, the anti-Apartheid hero, who volunteer to suffer persecutions and abuses in the course of liberating their people. The book which prophesied the capitulation of Apartheid from the outset, proffers solutions to racism and corruption. It ends up on sanguinary note, pontificating that man's liberation is in his hands though divine intervention is necessary and that human rights activism and liberation struggles do not always disappoint since the likes of Mandela and Gani Fawehinmi of Nigeria, though chronically incarcerated, lived to old age, and even idolized by all before death.